Two interesting reads in support of “net neutrality”

Two recent articles, Google & the Future of Books and « Tout le monde a intérêt à transformer Internet en Minitel, » talk about the threat the Web is under of losing its capability for innovation. The first, by Robert Darnton, starts with Google's book scanning legal monopoly and defends the ideas of the Enlightenment, e.g., on the issue of copyrights. The other, an interview with Benjamin Bayart, takes the new (draft) anti-piracy law in France “Création et Internet” as starting point and argues for a more distributed and symmetric network.

I don't have much to add to them. I just want to express my support and highlight some points.

The interview with Benjamin Bayart by Astrid Girardeau (Libération) is in French (but try Babelfish's translation). It's title is « Tout le monde a intérêt à transformer Internet en Minitel » (including the quote marks) and it first appeared on-line on February 6, 2009. A longer version was published in the paper version of the Libération newspaper on March 7.

Bayart is CEO of non-commercial Internet provider FDN. Here are some interesting quotes:

The other text is in English and called Google & the Future of Books. It is written by Robert Darnton, a cultural history professor at Harvard and regular contributor to the New York Review of Books. Some quotes:

Bert Bos
Created 8 March 2009